In The News: New Marin program aims at easing construction-worker shortage

October 8, 2018

College of Marin launches construction-training program


College of Marin is launching a construction-training program in partnership with Canal Alliance, CareerPoint Marin, and the Marin Builders Association.

The program ( targets entry-level employment, providing the skills for success in the construction industry. In addition to technical skills, the program will also provide job-placement services and career, financial and personal support, the college stated. Because of a lack of construction workers and aging of the workforce, similar programs as part of the North Bay Construction Corps ( are preparing high school seniors in Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake and Napa counties to be ready to train in the building trades.

“The program was created by the college and our partners in order to provide a well-trained, highly-qualified, and diversified construction workforce that will meet the projected needs of the region,” said Elizabeth Pratt, Ed.D., College of Marin’s dean of workforce development and career education. With an estimated class size of 20, the program lasts for seven weeks.

“This program is able to leverage and support the Latino workforce, a population that is growing in Marin,” said Gloria Estavillo, director of education for Canal Alliance. “The success of Marin’s economy depends on how we develop and utilize the unique strengths of our Latino immigrant community. In order to have a highly-skilled and well-prepared workforce, we need to create accessible educational opportunities like these for community members.”

The program meets twice a week at Canal Alliance in San Rafael. Hands-on construction labs are held Saturdays at the college’s Kentfield campus.

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