Partner Highlight: Intercambio Marin
October 1, 2018
Intercambio Marin is a free and fun program that brings native Spanish and native English speakers together to help improve language skills and build cross-cultural community.

Every Thursday night from 6-7:30 at the Marin Health & Wellness Center (3240 Kerner Boulevard, next to Cardenas) native English and native Spanish speakers from throughout Marin gather in a relaxed and fun environment to meet and converse. Native Spanish speakers are matched with native English speakers. Pairs (or small groups) converse for 45 minutes in Spanish and 45 minutes in English. Practicing with a native speaker is a fantastic way to learn, whether or not you are taking language classes.
Intercambio Marin was launched in May by a volunteer in collaboration with the Pickleweed Library. It is free, fun, and open to all levels.
If you are looking for a relaxing way to improve your language skills, Intercambio Marin is for you. Please call Pickleweed Library (415-485-3483) for more information or to sign up, or click on this link.
Hablemos together!