Bay Area Legal Aid
(415) 354-6360
- Offices in various locations around the Bay Area
- Focuses on cases including: Legal advice line in areas of housing, public benefits & consumer protection
Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California
(415) 483-7494
Address: 1314 Lincoln Ave. Suite A. San Rafael, CA
- Focuses on cases including: Comprehensive fair housing counseling, complaint investigation, and assistance in filing housing discrimination complaints
Family & Children’s Law Center
(415) 492-9230
Address: 1401 Los Gamos Dr. Suite 200 San Rafael, CA
- Focuses on cases including: Family law, immigration law, and domestic violence
Labor Commissioner’s Office
(707) 576-2362
Address: 50 D St. Santa Rosa, CA 95404
Hours: Monday through Friday; 9:00am – 5:00pm
- Focuses on cases related to the labor law including: Theft of wages, protection of workers from employer retaliation, education to the public and much more.
- The Labor Commissioner places earned wages in workers’ pockets and helps level the playing field so that employers respect the law.
Lawyer in the Library
(415) 472-3733
Address: 20 N. San Pedro Road # 2007 San Rafael, CA
Hours: Only opened on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of every month from 4:30pm – 6:30pm
- First come first served
- Matters including, but not limited to, family law, probate, landlord/tenant, small claims, employment, restraining orders and elder abuse
Lawyer Referral Service
(415) 989-1616
- Call to schedule an appointment for a consultation
- Focuses on cases including: Elderly abuse, medical care negligence, bankruptcy, real estate, workers compensation, criminal, rights of the disabled, Employment, family, malpractice, owner/tenant, wills, trust, and assets, etc.
Legal Aid of Marin
(415) 492-0230
Address: 1401 Los Gamos Drive Suite 101 San Rafael, CA 94903
Hours: Monday through Friday; 9:00am – 5:00pm
- Focuses on cases including: Housing, employment, debt, elder law & community court
Public Defender Office
(415) 473-6321
Address: 3501 Civic Center Dr. # 139 San Rafael, CA 94901
Hours: Monday through Friday; 8:00am – 4:30pm
- Focuses on criminal defense
- Free of charge