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Canal Alliance’s organizational values of empowerment through education and setting high expectations drives our advocacy efforts in educational equity for youth and adults.  

Our adult education and college readiness programs enable families to empower themselves with the skills they need to move from a position of vulnerability to one that allows them to more fully provide for themselves and their families. Our work at Canal Alliance is grounded in the belief that every immigrant arrives with experiences, skills, and strengths that have the potential to enrich our culture and strengthen our society.  

For 2018, Canal Alliance is working on the following Educational Policy:

Problem Statements

Policy Recommendation

Canal Alliance advocates for the San Rafael City Schools to align high school graduation requirements with University of California and California State University A-G requirements, and to provide the necessary resources and support to enable students to be successful on this path. This establishes a mandate for schools to prepare all students for college and career. If more Latino students graduate A-G eligible, they are more likely to enroll in a four-year university and graduate with a college degree. Obtaining a college degree will set students on the path out of poverty. 

Marin Promise Partnership

Marin Promise Partnership Logo

Racial equity for students in Marin will be achieved when race and ethnicity no longer predicts the outcome of a child’s educational future.

As a Marin Promise Partner, Canal Alliance commits to identify and dismantle racial inequities, and provide equity-based supports, so that our most
vulnerable children can achieve their full potential.

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