Janet Murguía: A Call to Action to Defend Our Families!

December 19, 2023

Though our membership with UnidosUS, Canal Alliance is able to influence policy at the federal level. Below please find a recent call to action from UnidosUS president and CEO, Janet Murguía. Help us defend immigrants and their families today by calling the White House and your representatives. Instruction below!

We’re calling on you to defend immigrants and their families!

Congressional Republicans are demanding harsh immigration policies in exchange for their support of foreign aid to Ukraine. Recent reports (see here and here) suggest President Biden may agree to a draconian deal with lawmakers that would:

These are unprecedented threats to refugees and our loved ones and communities.

Call the President and Congress to tell them that that endangering the safety of U.S. families and immigrant communities for a one-time funding investment in Ukraine is an unacceptable deal.

Time is of the essence: the President hopes Congress will act on a deal before the holidays.

What to say when you call: I strongly oppose any spending deal that:

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