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Let’s reimagine the Canal as a climate-resilient, safe, healthy, and vibrant community for all

Climate change will bring massive changes to the Canal neighborhood. If residents aren’t in control of decisions about what investments to prioritize and what tradeoffs to make, our needs will not be met.

We are creating a Neighborhood Vision Plan for the Canal

A Neighborhood Vision Plan will allow Canal residents to define their own assets, needs, and priorities. This plan will be a guide that we can use to direct investments from government, philanthropy, and private businesses.  

Join the Canal Resident Advisory Committee

You are an expert in your own community, and you can help design the neighborhood we deserve. Join the Canal Resident Advisory Committee to help create a Neighborhood Vision Plan that reflects the needs of the community. Together we can advocate for essential investments in sea level rise adaptation, transportation, affordable housing, jobs, and more. 





Apply Today

Become a driving force in our community-driven future by applying for the Canal Resident Advisory Committee (Consejo). This commitment empowers you to actively participate in decision-making, advocate for community needs, and contribute to the neighborhood plan. Join us in creating positive change!

Nominate Someone Else

Know someone passionate about our community? Nominate them for the Resident Advisory Committee. If you’ve already applied, you can nominate someone you’d like to serve with you. Even if you aren’t eligible, you can nominate someone in your place. Your nomination can amplify the voices of those who truly care about shaping a resilient, vibrant, and inclusive Canal.

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