Policy Advocacy

Through direct services in education, career, immigration, and social services, we help individuals and families build family and economic stability. Our impact is powerful yet our capacity is finite.
Though our policy and civic engagement efforts, we extend our impact by challenging and changing the systems that create poverty and inequity in the first place. Our tools include policy research, public testimony, coalition building, and advocacy with policy makers.
Our Initiatives
Expand affordable housing
We advocate for the commitment of public funds for affordable housing and partner with multiple agencies to address the challenges posed by Marin’s housing crisis, gentrification, and displacement. Through our comprehensive affordable housing plan, we aim to expand our portfolio of affordable housing units beyond the 12 we currently manage in the Canal neighborhood.
Rent control
Canal Alliance, Legal Aid of Marin and Community Action Marin submitted a letter to city officials asking San Rafael to adopt a rent control ordinance for the Canal neighborhood amid concerns of gentrification.
Protect tenants’ rights
Paying rent was reported as the greatest financial challenge for low-income immigrants in the Canal neighborhood during the pandemic. We work to strengthen protections for low-income renters and ensure they have access to legal counsel to understand their existing rights and protections.
Support workforce and economic stability
Low-income Latino immigrants represent the backbone of the county’s workforce, and have been disproportionately affected by the economic impacts of the pandemic. We work to create a more equitable and inclusive workforce ecosystem so that immigrants and other vulnerable populations can participate in programs that help them obtain high-quality jobs.
Improve transportation equity
Residents of the Canal neighborhood need more equitable access to transportation, including bus stops and bike lanes, and to safety measures such as speed limit signs, cross-walk signifiers, speed bumps. We advocate for transportation investments made through an equity lens to address the needs of low- and moderate-income residents, workers, seniors, and people with disabilities.
Mitigate sea-level rise
The Canal neighborhood of San Rafael is at the greatest risk of climate change and sea level rise among all Marin neighborhoods. To address climate impacts, and protect families and housing in the Canal, we build cross-sector coalitions to identify and implement resilience measures.