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Canal Alliance and the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank: A Partnership for Change 

October 16, 2024

On September 28th, CEO Omar Carrera took the stage at “One Big Table,” the SF-Marin Food Bank’s annual gala. As Canal Alliance’s leader, Carrera hared his unique perspective on fighting hunger and poverty in the Latino community here in Marin County. 

The SF-Marin Foodbank and Canal Alliance are longtime partners, with the food bank supplying groceries for our weekly pantry since 2000. Reflecting on this partnership in his remarks at the gala, Carrera reflected that “Working together is everything,” noting that Canal Alliance and the Food Bank do more than just distribute food, or trade information. “We plan together, set goals together, and push for big changes in how our system works,” shared Carrera. 

Indeed, at Canal Alliance, it’s our Tuesday morning food pantry that often serves as a point of entry for those needing additional services. After an initial visit, often to the food pantry, Canal Alliance staff connect community members with all sorts of support – support with school, housing, immigration legal services, career training, and more. 

In his keynote remarks at the gala, Carrera highlighted the ongoing challenges that many of our clients and their families continue to face. Issues such as food insecurity, housing instability, health disparities, and economic barriers continue despite having effective services and programs. “Addressing these complex issues requires bold leadership, innovative approaches, and a commitment to systemic change,” he said. 

The partnership between Canal Alliance and the Food Bank shows what’s possible when organizations team up and work together. We’re not just distributing food—we’re working to change the game entirely. 
“When our Latino community thrives, we all do better,” shared Carrera. 

Stay tuned for more updates on Canal Alliance’s partnership with the San Francisco-Marin Food Bank as we continue our joint efforts to uplift and empower Marin’s Latino community. 

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