
Fall 2021 Stakeholder Update from CEO, Omar Carrera
Posted: October 12, 2021
The impact that Canal Alliance makes in our community would not be possible without the support of many generous people like you. As a key stakeholder in our efforts to help Marin’s Latino immigrant community break the generational cycle of poverty, we are pleased to share this fall update about our strategic initiatives.

TPS Extension and Re-Designation for Haiti
Posted: September 13, 2021
Good news for the Haitian immigrant community!

TPS extended until December 2022 for El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Honduras, Nepal and Sudan
Posted: September 13, 2021
If you have TPS from one of these countries, your work permit will be automatically renewed and will be valid until December 31, 2022.

A graduate of two workforce training programs, Arandu Alvarez’s career is on track
Posted: September 8, 2021
Arandu Alvarez is part of a critical public health team that is helping to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 in the Canal neighborhood and across Marin County by providing health education, testing, and vaccination outreach.

Stories from the front lines: Henry Velasquez, Youth Education Manager
Posted: August 12, 2021
When schools first went to remote teaching, Henry Velasquez, UP! Youth Education Manager, worked with a student who had no internet access and as a result, was completely disconnected from teachers, classes, and assignments. One year later, Henry reports that based on the persistence of the student, and with support from UP! staff, the student is on track.

Once a newcomer, Ana Tafolla is using her Master’s Degree to build a path for new immigrant youth
Posted: August 12, 2021
When Ana Tafolla arrived in Marin as a teenager, she began high school in San Rafael and joined the afterschool program for newcomers at Canal Alliance. Today, Ana is Senior Manager for Social Services and leads a critical new initiative for newly arrived immigrant youth known as Opportunity for Youth (OFY).

Stories from the Front Lines: One Year Later
Posted: July 22, 2021
Laura Jiménez-Diecks, Supervising Case Manager, shared a client story that spoke to the severe impact of COVID-19 on immigrant families in Marin. Now, about a year later, Laura reflects on the response effort, a “metamorphosis over the course of the pandemic.”

Volunteer Spotlight: Dominican University student gives back
Posted: July 22, 2021
Christina Pathoumthong, a fourth-year History and Political Science major got involved with Canal Alliance through the Dominican University Service Learning Program.

Jhovanny, Workforce Development graduate builds a career in construction
Posted: July 22, 2021
Jhovanny, a Workforce Development graduate says he “advanced five years in my career by taking the three-month Construction Classes”

Aliados por la Salud (Allies for Health) implement creative strategies to support the health of vulnerable communities
Posted: June 11, 2021
In January 2021, Canal Alliance joined the Aliados por la Salud (Allies for Health) campaign. This partnership includes University of California San Francisco, Marin County, and Merced County and is focused on identifying challenges and proposing solutions for improving COVID-19 services to Latino immigrant communities.