
UP! alumni turned staff member
Posted: December 9, 2020
Cat Melgar currently works part-time as a Youth Program Assistant with our college access and success program, UP! (University Prep). Although she has been working at Canal Alliance since July 2020, she has been involved with us for over 10 years as an UP! Student and graduate.

The Latest on DACA (As of December 4, 2020)
Posted: December 4, 2020
On Friday, December 4, a district judge in New York ruled that the government must start accepting new applications for DACA. This ruling also restored the 2-year duration of DACA and its accompanying work permits.

November 19th: Celebrating our advocacy & community engagement successes
Posted: November 19, 2020
In our latest newsletter, we thank Canal Alliance staff and volunteers who helped to get out the vote and also read about our Giving Tuesday goal and how you can support us!

November 6th: Let us be patient and count every vote
Posted: November 6, 2020
In our latest newsletter, we thank all of the volunteers who helped to get out the vote and also read about how our Workforce Development Program is making an impact.

Gelvin’s Story: Learning a New Trade
Posted: November 6, 2020
When Gelvin learned about the Workforce Development program, he connected with Regina Vindel, Workforce Development Career Navigator. Regina helped him enroll in our Construction Certification course.

Carlos’ Story: Working to take care of his family
Posted: November 6, 2020
Carlos Carrillo came to the United States from Guatemala at the age of 16, and has lived in Marin for six years. With a wife and a one-month-old son, his biggest priority is taking care of his family.

October 22nd: Vote to make your voice heard
Posted: October 22, 2020
Updates on our advocacy and policy work leading up to the November 3rd election and more.

Staff receive paid time off to support election activities
Posted: October 20, 2020
As part of our civic engagement activities at Canal Alliance, we are organizing a Staff Election Days of Service Project to show the value and impact of participating in elections on policy and elected decision-makers.

First-generation college-bound students describe how UP! helps them to succeed
Posted: October 15, 2020
See how UP! supports first-generation college bound students to succeed: