
Call for Artists: “Coming Home” Mural Project
Posted: December 5, 2018
Be a part of this community arts project that will be express aspects of Canal Alliance’s mission and serve as the focal point of our main lobby.

Marin New Americans Campaign- December Workshop
Posted: December 5, 2018
Canal Alliance and our partners have teamed up to organize Naturalization Workshops to provide applicants with the resources they need to become U.S. citizens.

#GivingTuesday Results Are In!!
Posted: December 4, 2018
The checks have been counted, the pledges have been matched and the results are in! This #GivingTuesday 2018 we raised $17,191 to fund the critical services that Canal Alliance provides to the Latino immigrant community in Marin.

Canal Alliance Responds: Steps in the right direction
Posted: December 3, 2018
Join us as we discuss next steps toward increasing transparency and public awareness of the devastating effects of deportation.

Public Charge Information and Resources
Posted: November 16, 2018
There is growing concern regarding the proposed changes to the Public Charge rule. Join us as we speak out against these changes and defend the rights of immigrant families.

Your support in action: Jorge’s Story
Posted: November 14, 2018
Take a look at how Canal Alliance helped Jorge pursue a future that would lift him out of poverty.

November eNewsletter
Posted: November 13, 2018
Keep up to date on the important work Canal Alliance has been doing in our community and see how you can get involved.

Canal Alliance Featured: Gloria Estavillo
Posted: November 2, 2018
Congratulations to Gloria Estavillo, Director of Education at Canal Alliance, who was featured in the Fall 2018 issue of North Bay Woman Magazine.

Make a Plan to Vote
Posted: November 2, 2018
With the 2018 Election just days away, we want to make sure that our community is not just REGISTERED to vote, but READY to vote. We’ve compiled a list of California voter guides to help you Make a Plan to Vote on November 6th.

Candidates Forum: Latinos & Education in Marin
Posted: October 23, 2018
Join us as we discuss the disparities in Marin County’s academic achievement for Latinos vs. their peers with all candidates for San Rafael City School Board.