United Way of the Bay Area funding allows Canal Alliance to provide tax return support to for one more year 

May 3, 2024

Thanks to a $30,000 grant from United Way of the Bay Area, we are proud to share that once again this tax season Canal Alliance staff and a host of volunteers were able to provide in-person tax filing support to Canal residents. This freeservice alleviates stress for our clients, and ensures that low-income Latino immigrants receive critical tax refunds including the Earned Income Tax Credit. With average filer benefits of around $2,500 (as of 2022) this can provide greater financial stability and drive positive health outcomes for residents in our community. In addition to providing tax support for community members, we are also able to help clients apply for or renew their Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. This is a huge benefit for clients as it allows them to open a bank account, and to receive a driver’s license, driver’s permit, or state identification card.   

In this most recent tax season, Canal Alliance assisted clients with preparing and filing 716 tax returns. Total returns equal $1,121,345, which is money that is being returned to our clients and will help our community. 

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