Welcome Air Gallegos, Canal Alliance Director of Education & Career

January 3, 2020

Air Gallegos, Director of Education at Canal Alliance

Canal Alliance is proud to welcome Air Gallegos as our Director of Education & Career.

Air is a proud bi-racial Chicana and California native who has spent her career focusing on social justice.   

Air has an MA in Education Administration from San Francisco State University and a BA in Feminist Studies with an emphasis in critical race and queer theory.  Air is a lifelong learner and believes deeply in the power of education, radical inclusion, wellness, and equity.  She believes the key to social transformation lies in the intersections of education, healing, and justice.  

Air has coached, trained and mentored educators and social justice leaders across the US.  She served as a teacher, a member of the curriculum design team, and as a culturally-responsive teaching lead in both high school and middle school.  After years in the classroom teaching English and Ethnic Studies, she dedicated her energy to bringing culturally-responsive teaching methods into classrooms by serving as an instructional coach and professional development lead. 

Air has spent the last three years helping to build non-profits in the Bay Area, serving as the Director of Education.   Her efforts focused on creating social-emotional learning and equity opportunities for school communities, as well as, wellness and mindfulness practices through professional development and coaching.  She worked to develop internal structures of assessments and vision for two local non-profits. 

Air believes deeply in the power of community, in knowing one’s self, and working collaboratively to make a difference and is honored to be joining Canal Alliance.  

Bienvenida, Air!

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