New Funding Advances Canal Alliance Workforce Development Initiatives 

September 14, 2023

We are proud to announce that in June, Canal Aliance was awarded $60,000 by the San Francisco Foundation to advance our work to provide career pathways for the Latino community in Marin. 

Specifically, this funding will afford us the opportunity to partner with eight workforce development organizations in a statewide Job Quality Project, training our staff assess their own job quality, including elements like predictable scheduling, access to training, opportunity for advancement, and importantly, authentic cultivation of the worker’s voice and wisdom. Our team will also learn to advocate for their own job quality and share best practices, which will ultimately help us to help the clients we serve in understanding that they too have the right to high-quality jobs. 

As part of this funding, Canal Alliance will be a member of a Coalition for Worker Power and the Skills for CA Network, which will support this collaborative work to create better outcomes for job seekers by ensuring those serving them are healthy, supported, and empowered themselves. 

We are excited by the opportunity to advance our efforts to engage workers, job quality practitioners and other stakeholders to re-imagine what job quality looks like and involve our frontline staff in both the analysis of the problem and the development of smart solutions. Ultimately, our team’s collective frontline expertise will be translated into systems-level change, to the benefit of the Latino community here in Marin and other job-seekers — and workforce development providers — across the state. 

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