Drawdown Marin: Community Ambassadors
December 6, 2019

Do you care about the wellbeing of your community and the planet?
Become a community ambassador for Drawdown: Marin, a local initiative to
develop community-based solutions to climate change.
The actions we take to reduce our impact on the planet and prepare for our
changing climate also help make our communities healthier and safer.
You know your neighborhood best – its strengths and vulnerabilities and we need YOUR help to:
- Educate your neighbors, friends, and family about Drawdown: Marin
- Inspire your community to use their strengths to become more prepared
- Raise your neighborhood’s voice so your ideas and priorities are included in Drawdown: Marin.
What is a community ambassador, and who should apply?
Drawdown: Marin wants to include community members of color, low-income
community members, and youth. These communities will be the first impacted by climate change even though they are the least responsible for causing it.
Community Ambassadors will have a seat at the table and the opportunity to
educate county decision-makers about solutions that strengthen your community.
People with the following skills should apply:
- A good understanding of community opinions and priorities
- A personal and friendly communication style
- Reliable
- Comfortable speaking in front of people
- Organized
- Fluent in multiple languages (Spanish, Vietnamese, Farsi, English)
What will I be working on?
Gathering information about and communicating your community’s priorities and
opinions to decision-makers by:
- Speaking at community events, friend/ family parties, and other social gatherings (at least 3 per month)
- Completing a storytelling training
- Translating social media posts/ flyers into the preferred languages in your community
Training and stipend provided. For more information, please contact Allie Hoff at 415.473.2764.