Partnerships bolster workforce development initiatives

November 2, 2022

A class photo of the workforce graduation.
Construction Skills Certificate graduation, October 2022

Four years ago, Canal Alliance launched a certificate-based construction skills pilot program in partnership with College of Marin and the Marin Builders Association. To date, nearly 200 low-income Latino residents have gained construction skills resulting in higher paying jobs.

Primary drivers of our success include dedicated staff who take a personalized approach with students and strong public-private partnerships.

That’s why we are thrilled to announce a generous new grant from Bank of America Charitable Foundation. Bank of America is a long-time partner in our work, and their investment allows us to grow our impact by new developing pathways for clients to access equitable career training in high-demand industries.

We are also able to expand our English as a Second Language (ESL) program. ESL is a critical part of the workforce pathway, giving adults the language skills that they need to expand their career opportunities. In her new position as ESL Navigator, Fabiola Wilcox provides the kind of hands-on case support for students that has proven so effective across our organization. 

“Bank of America has invested in Canal Alliance and the Latino community for the past 25 years,” noted Sara Matson, Development Director. “We are grateful for their sustained committed to the community, particularly in the area of workforce development initiatives that benefit immigrants and the Marin County economy.”

We are also thankful to our many committed partners who understand that if we want a prosperous Marin and California, we need a prosperous Latino population and a skilled workforce.

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