
What Biden’s Asylum Ban Policy Means for Us
Posted: June 6, 2024
By Omar Carrera, CEO The recent asylum ban policy instituted by President Biden at the U.S.-Mexico border has sparked significant concern within Canal Alliance. This

Unaccompanied Minors in Marin Have a New Champion at Canal Alliance
Posted: March 4, 2024
The Legal Services Funders Network (LSFN) is a Bay Area network of funders who collaborate to alleviate poverty. The LSFN Fellowship was established to strengthen

Janet Murguía: A Call to Action to Defend Our Families!
Posted: December 19, 2023
Though our membership with UnidosUS, Canal Alliance is able to influence policy at the federal level. Below please find a recent call to action from

Canal Alliance announces the newly formed Marin Climate Justice Collaborative
Posted: May 17, 2023
Canal Alliance is delighted to announce a newly formed Marin Climate Justice Collaborative (MCJC). As a first-of-its-kind project in Marin, MCJC brings together leaders from two of Marin County’s communities at most imminent risk of climate impacts in the Bay Area: unincorporated Marin City and the Canal neighborhood in San Rafael.

San Rafael tags $1.4M for affordable housing
Posted: April 11, 2023
San Rafael has opened up competitive bidding for $1.4 million to support the creation of more affordable homes.

Marin Voice: Better data can improve our pursuit of economic equity
Posted: April 1, 2023
The Marin Economic Forum looked at equity through an economic lens, which means evaluating how even income and opportunities are distributed across our residents.

Protecting Tenants’ Rights in the Canal Community
Posted: March 21, 2023
Housing is a critical issue facing low-income communities, and Canal Alliance advocates for the rights of tenants in the Canal neighborhood. With the support of the San Francisco Foundation and a coalition of partner organizations, Canal Alliance is empowering residents, preventing evictions, and ensuring that affordable housing remains accessible to low-income families.
Rent Regulations in San Rafael’s Canal District
Posted: November 17, 2022
To:Mayor Kate ColinMembers of the San Rafael City Council RE: Rent regulations in San Rafael’s Canal District Dear Esteemed Elected Officials: We represent a coalition

Supporting tenants at 400 Canal
Posted: October 11, 2022
Residents of an apartment building located at 400 Canal Street are faced with potential loss of their housing, having received ‘buy-out’ letters from the building’s new corporate ownership,

Alleviating overcrowding and expanding affordable housing
Posted: August 30, 2022
The Canal neighborhood of San Rafael is geographically isolated and densely populated: more than 12,000 people live in two square miles.