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Gloria Castillo


Stories from the Front Lines (Gloria Castillo)

Posted: May 12, 2020

Gloria Castillo, Canal Alliance Case Manager, shares an inspiring client story and describes the joys and challenges of assisting the immigrant community during the shelter in place order.

Henry Velasquez, Youth Education Manager


Stories from the Front Lines (Henry Velasquez)

Posted: May 6, 2020

Henry Velasquez, University Prep (UP!) Middle School Program Supervisor, shares a story about how he helped ensure equitable access to distance learning for Latino students in Marin during Shelter in Place.

Michael Gomez, UP! High School Program Supervisor


Stories from the Front Lines (Michael Gomez)

Posted: May 6, 2020

Michael Gomez, University Prep (UP!) High School Program Supervisor, shares an inspiring story about his colleague motivating others and taking action to help students and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Canal Alliance


4/25 E-Newsletter

Posted: April 25, 2020

To view this newsletter in a new tab: click here

Melissa Potts


Stories from the Front Lines (Melissa Potts)

Posted: April 24, 2020

Melissa Potts, Canal Alliance ESL Senior Manager shares her perspective on communicating with and supporting ESL students and her personal struggles during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Regina Vindel


Stories from the Front Lines ( Regina Vindel)

Posted: April 22, 2020

Regina Vindel, Canal Alliance Workforce Development Career Navigator, spoke to us about her experiences and conversations while communicating with clients during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Laura Jiménez-Diecks


Stories from the Front Lines ( Laura-Jimenez-diecks)

Posted: April 22, 2020

Laura Jiménez-Diecks, Canal Alliance Case Manager, shares a client story that highlights the severe impact of the COVID-19 situation for immigrant families in Marin along with her own journey while working during Shelter in Place.

Karla Hernandez-Navarro


Stories from the Front Lines (Karla Hernandez-Navarro)

Posted: April 22, 2020

Karla Hernandez-Navarro, Canal Alliance ESL Coordinator, shares a client story from an ESL student and her own family’s experience during the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

Canal Alliance


April E-Newsletter

Posted: April 16, 2020

Click to view this newsletter in a new tab

Dr. Anabel Plasencia smiles in her office where she meets Canal Alliance clients individually and in group lessons.


World Teen Mental Health Day

Posted: March 2, 2020

Canal Alliance and our partners at UCSF are committed to supporting students’ mental wellness.

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