
From Magical Michoacán to Marin County
Posted: October 25, 2023
It was 2013 and I was a newlywed, living with my new husband in a rented apartment in the Canal neighborhood of San Rafael.I was home recovering from a long battle with cancer, unable to work as a chef or barista in cafes and restaurants as I had for the ten years since first coming here from Mexico.

Canal Alliance and Marin Housing Leaders Convene for Summit at Dominican University of California
Posted: September 21, 2023
Organizations from across Marin gathered on September 14 at Dominican University of California to work together to find solutions for Marin’s worsening housing crisis.

New Funding Advances Canal Alliance Workforce Development Initiatives
Posted: September 14, 2023
We are proud to announce that in June, Canal Aliance was awarded $60,000 by the San Francisco Foundation to advance our work to provide career

Breaking Barriers: Celebrating Catherine Ramberg’s 20 Years of Teaching in the Latino Community
Posted: August 24, 2023
Today, we honor Catherine Ramberg, who has been instrumental in shaping the lives of countless students through her dedication and passion for teaching over the past 20 years.

Best Family Services in Marin
Posted: July 17, 2023
For the best family services in Marin, the 2023 readers’ choice Best of the County winner is Canal Alliance!

Meet Bruce Todd: Empowering Immigrants Through Education
Posted: April 11, 2023
In San Rafael’s Canal neighborhood, volunteer Bruce Todd has made a difference in the lives of Latino immigrants through his unwavering commitment to teaching English, offering guidance, and supporting citizenship aspirations at Canal Alliance.

Canal Alliance secures $500k grant to bolster workforce development programs
Posted: March 31, 2023
Canal Alliance has secured $524,161 in new funding for our workforce programs, which break the generational cycle of poverty for low-income Latino immigrants in Marin County
Rent Regulations in San Rafael’s Canal District
Posted: November 17, 2022
To:Mayor Kate ColinMembers of the San Rafael City Council RE: Rent regulations in San Rafael’s Canal District Dear Esteemed Elected Officials: We represent a coalition

Partnerships bolster workforce development initiatives
Posted: November 2, 2022
Four years ago, Canal Alliance launched a certificate-based construction skills pilot program in partnership with College of Marin and Marin Small Builder Association. To date, nearly 200 low-income Latino residents have gained construction skills that lead to higher paying jobs.

Entrepreneur achieves through education
Posted: October 25, 2022
Melkyn Mazariegos came to the U.S. from Guatemala as a teenager to support his family and make a better life for himself.