Michael Gomez, UP! High School Program Supervisor


Interview with Michael Gomez, Canal Alliance UP! High school Program Supervisor

Posted: June 30, 2020

As we celebrate the graduation of our UP! College and High school graduates, we sat down with Michael Gomez to talk about what it means for him to see his students graduate and go off to college.

Attendee and volunteer at food pantry


Canal Alliance food pantry provides food to a record 500 families each week

Posted: June 30, 2020

We are seeing first-hand at Canal Alliance that the coronavirus pandemic and shelter in place order has drastically decreased immigrant families’ earnings. Many residents of the Canal are not only in danger of going hungry, but are also experiencing deep anxiety about how they will feed themselves and their families. The need for food among Canal residents is reflected in the huge spike we’ve seen in attendance at our food pantry.

Blog post feat image - SRTA logo


San Rafael Educators Donate Stimulus Money to Support Immigrant Families

Posted: June 30, 2020

Canal Alliance is grateful to the San Rafael Teachers Association (SRTA), who, inspired by other school districts in the area, are encouraging the San Rafael City Schools community to donate a portion of their stimulus checks to local immigrant families. The SRTA chose to launch this campaign because they recognize that immigrant families in their district face particularly difficult circumstances in the wake of COVID-19 and the shelter in place order.

Air Gallegos


Air Gallegos, Director of Education & Career, talks about supporting UP! students to access online learning

Posted: June 30, 2020

Air has been leading our Education and Career programs since January. As we celebrate the graduation of seven UP! seniors all bound for college, we sat down to talk about Canal Alliance’s youth education program in the time of COVID.

Lupita Magaña, Senior Mentoring Case Manager


Lupita Magaña nominated for the 2020 Outstanding Child Abuse Prevention Award

Posted: June 4, 2020

We are honored to Lupita nominated for the 2020 Outstanding Child Abuse Prevention Award share that Lupita Magaña, Case Manager at Canal Alliance, was nominated in April for the 2020 Outstanding Child Abuse Prevention Award.

Primary Languages Spoken 2


Canal Alliance serves as a critical bridge of communication to the Latino immigrant community

Posted: June 4, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has intensified long-standing inequities caused by language barriers, underscoring challenges that non-English speakers face accessing critical information during public health emergencies.

Erique Poroj


Latino business owner in Canal neighborhood receives grant

Posted: June 4, 2020

Thanks to Omar’s persistent advocacy for Latino business in the Canal, business owners like Enrique received a grant through the Small Business COVID-19 Disaster Relief Fund launched by the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce (SRCC).

Foster Our Future Marin


Q & A with Marin County Children and Family Services

Posted: June 4, 2020

To learn more about Marin County Children and Family Services (CFS) programs, we talked to Adrian Hernandez, Child Welfare Worker II-Bilingual, Leslie Fields, Recruitment & Support Specialist and Paul Booth, Resource Family Approval Manager.

Outreach to the Immigrant Community During COVID-19


May 12 Newsletter: Outreach to the Immigrant Community During COVID-19

Posted: May 14, 2020

Canal Alliance is grateful for the outpouring of support that we have received from partner agencies, businesses and community members.

Omar Carrera


Marin Voice from CEO, Omar Carrera: Let COVID-19 be the reason we attack long-standing inequities

Posted: April 24, 2020

While COVID-19 has created challenges in public health, business, the economy, education and lifestyle, it is also a brutal reminder of the inequities that existed before COVID-19.

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