Rent Regulations in San Rafael’s Canal District
Posted: November 17, 2022
To:Mayor Kate ColinMembers of the San Rafael City Council RE: Rent regulations in San Rafael’s Canal District Dear Esteemed Elected Officials: We represent a coalition

Fall 2022 Stakeholder Update from Omar Carrera, CEO
Posted: October 26, 2022
The impact that Canal Alliance makes in our community would not be possible without the support of generous people like you. We are proud to share the following updates with you in the areas of immigration legal services, social services, health services, and civic engagement.

Neighborhood leader makes an impact
Posted: October 25, 2022
Darlin is co-founder of Voces del Canal, a volunteer advocacy group that is focused on improving the canal community.

Scientist inspires young Latinas
Posted: October 25, 2022
Krystal Sandza is a technical scientist at BioMarin and a role model for young women in our University Prep program who are exploring STEM careers. This kind of mentorship is critical for students who are the first in their families to attend college.

Volunteer Carol Njus: ‘Whatever it takes’
Posted: August 2, 2022
Carol immersed herself in the study of Spanish, honing her skills in conversation and reading. She then put her language skills to work, helping Spanish-speaking residents of the Canal neighborhood make critical connections with employers, schools, and government institutions.

San Rafael approves COVID urgency eviction moratorium
Posted: June 23, 2022
The San Rafael City Council unanimously approved an urgency ordinance this week prohibiting pandemic-related residential evictions through Sept. 30.

Canal Alliance brings Covid-19 resources to small businesses in the Canal
Posted: June 2, 2022
Business pop ups, begun in Spring 2022, are the latest way that the Covid-19 outreach team at Canal Alliance is helping stem transmissions and keep the community safe and protected.

Canal Alliance urges federal action to protect immigrant families
Posted: May 6, 2022
Canal Alliance joined nonprofits from every state and the District of Columbia urging the Biden Administration to act quickly to finalize responsible “public charge” regulations that protect families.

Spring 2022 Stakeholder Update from Omar Carrera, CEO
Posted: April 25, 2022
The impact that Canal Alliance makes in our community would not be possible without the support of generous people like you.

Emergency response teams connect with communities
Posted: April 11, 2022
Marin County turned to community-based organizations like Canal Alliance to form the new model of emergency preparedness : Community Response Teams.