Kaiser Permanente Provides Essential Funding for Canal Alliance Youth Education Program

January 4, 2024

Canal Alliance is proud to announce that the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Community Benefit Grants Program has awarded a grant of $50,000 to support the high school component of our University Prep (UP!) program.  

This generous grant will support 57 high school students during the 2023-24 academic year as they take advantage of UP!’s intensive after-school instruction, weekly tutoring, and homework assistance to build their knowledge in core subject areas so they can graduate ready for college.  

UP! is the only cohort-based program in Marin County that offers intensive academic support for low-income Latino youth along with on-site wraparound case management services, behavioral health support, and parent engagement. Together with College to Career (CTC), Canal Alliance’s Youth Education Programs provide Latino youth a continual pathway to graduate college-ready from high school and complete a four-year college degree. By instilling students with the confidence, courage, and motivation to succeed in their studies, many UP! high school graduates go on to become the first in their families to graduate from college.  

The project is supported by Kaiser Permanente Northern California Community Benefit Grants Program which pairs grant funding with 70 years of clinical expertise, medical research, and volunteerism to support prevention-focused, evidence-based programs that are expanding access to care and creating healthy environments. For more information about Kaiser Permanente’s work in the community, visit Kaiser Permanente.

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