2023 Fall Trimester: October 2, 2023 – December 14, 2023

*All tutoring sessions are via Zoom*

Citizenship Program: mission and objective
Our Adult Education Program offers citizenship classes that integrate civics knowledge with ESL teaching practices in an inclusive environment that prepares students to pass both a citizenship exam and the United States Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) interview process. U.S. citizenship provides greater security and opportunities for students and is a crucial step in helping eligible students break the generational cycle of poverty. Citizenship allows students the right to work, the right to vote, ability to sponsor family members, access to public benefits, and provides safety from deportation. Through the lens of empowering the whole person, the Adult Education program complements the wraparound services Canal Alliance provides so that very low-income, adult immigrants can improve their access to education, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunities to ultimately get on the pathway out of poverty.

Citizenship Tutoring Program: mission and objective

Canal Alliance’s Citizenship Tutoring Program aims to improve students’ knowledge and memorization of civics materials. Through one-on-one sessions with tutors who are culturally responsive, responsible, and dynamic, we hope to improve students’ confidence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing for their civics test and interview process. Students are at the center of this program, and their needs will guide what is worked on and covered during tutoring sessions.

Please note: Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age.

Program dates 

Required Onboarding and Training for New Volunteers (training is via Zoom)

  1. Sign volunteering paperwork via DocuSign
  2. Watch two orientation videos and take an online quiz on each one (total time required= 1 hour)
  3. Attend virtual Classroom Techniques training via Zoom on September 13, 7:30 – 9:00 PM (Pacific Time)
  4. Attend virtual Naturalization training via Zoom on September 14, 6:30 – 8:00 PM (Pacific Time)
  5. Attend DEIJ training via Zoom on October 5, 5:30 – 7:30 PM (Pacific Time)

Required Onboarding and Training for Returning Volunteers (training is via Zoom)

  1. Sign 2023-24 volunteer agreement
  2. Attend virtual Naturalization training via Zoom on September 14, 6:30 – 8:00 PM (Pacific Time) (optional)
  3. Attend DEIJ training via Zoom on October 5, 5:30 – 7:30 PM (Pacific Time)
  4. If the last time you volunteered was Fall of 2022 or earlier:
    1. Watch the Adult Ed orientation video and take a brief quiz on it (30 minutes total)
    2. Attend virtual Classroom Techniques training via Zoom on September 13, 7:30 – 9:00 PM (Pacific Time)


As a citizenship tutor, you meet with a citizenship student for an hour per week via Zoom to help them prepare for their naturalization interview by reviewing the 100 civics questions and practicing their interview skills. We will provide you with a packet that includes the 100 civics questions and an interview guide. In addition, you will have access to the teacher’s contact information. Tutoring sessions are student-centered: the student might tell you what they want to work on (civics or interview role-play), or you can follow the interview guide. Regardless, tutoring sessions should always focus on meeting the student’s needs. Tutors shouldn’t offer any legal advice, accompany students to their naturalization interview, or perform any other activity beyond helping students learn civics and practice for the naturalization interview.


Skills and attributes


*IMPORTANT* This volunteer opportunity is a trimester commitment. We understand if you are sick, something changes with your work/school schedule, or if an unforeseen emergency/change happens. If you choose to step away from your commitment because of a non-emergency reason then we will ask that you not continue with the Adult Education program in the future.


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