Public Charge Information & Updates

March 19, 2021

March 2021 update:

On March 9th, the Biden Administration formally stopped using the Trump Administration’s Public Charge Rule. This means that the following services, which counted towards the Public Charge Test, no longer affect a person’s immigration case when they are seeking permanent residence (a green card):   

Some reminders about Public Charge:  

What is “Public Charge”? 

Public Charge is a ground of inadmissibility, which means a reason someone could be denied an immigration benefit. It is a test used by the government to determine if someone seeking admission to the United States (applying for permanent residence/a green card) is likely to depend on public benefits in the future.  

Immigration officials will consider a variety of circumstances, including a family’s income, age, education, how likely the applicant is to be employed, and whether a person has used certain public programs.  

This test does not apply to many categories of immigrants! 

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