TPS Update

December 8, 2020

Good news for those with Temporary Protected Status (TPS)!  

TPS will be valid until October 4, 2021 for those from:  

·       El Salvador  

·       Honduras  

·       Nicaragua 

·       Haiti 

·       Nepal  

·       Sudan  

If you are from one of these countries and have TPS status, your work permit will be valid until at least October 4th of next year. If your workplace has questions about the validity of your work permit, you can show them the official USCIS website (Continuation of Documentation for TPS Beneficiaries for Six Countries; Documents Auto-Extended Through Oct. 4, 2021 | USCIS) and the Federal Registrar (Federal Register : Public Inspection: Continuation of Documentation for Beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status Designations for El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, Honduras, and Nepal). There is no need to file a work permit renewal application because this is an automatic extension.  

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