For Marin’s Latino communities, pandemic intensifies poverty

April 25, 2020

Marin IJ News Article by: Lorenzo Morotti

Many Latino families in the county were already living paycheck to paycheck before the pandemic. Now they are feeling the brunt of the economic slowdown. Nonprofits are stepping in to help, but they too face struggles for resources.

Another nonprofit organization partnered with the county is the Canal Alliance, which offers financial and legal aid. Lucia Martel-Dow, director of immigration and social services, said while there has not been a huge number of Latinos infected with the virus, the “shelter in place” order has had an impact on the Canal community and others like it.

To provide some relief, the Canal Alliance provided a $350 check to more than 1,000 residents who applied before March 31, Martel-Dow said. The organization is working to expand the program. Read rest of this article on Marin IJ.

Volunteer Anita Hernandez of San Rafael and others prepare bags of food to give away during a community food distribution event in the Alcohol Justice parking lot in San Rafael on Saturday, April 11, 2020. The SF-Marin Food Bank delivered pallets of food for the volunteers to sort and bag before handing it out in the canal neighborhood. (Sherry LaVars/Marin Independent Journal)

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