San Rafael outlines Wi-Fi plan for Canal area

May 11, 2020

Marin IJ News Article by Will Houston

San Rafael has released a plan for a community Wi-Fi network in the Canal area to address longstanding digital inequities that have become more glaring since the coronavirus outbreak.

Omar Carrera, executive director of the Latino immigrant and family services nonprofit organization Canal Alliance, said the plan is the first major step taken by the city since he began pitching a more expansive broadband program for the Canal area 15 years ago.

While the new Wi-Fi plan does not reach the scale of his vision to serve 10,000 residents with community-catered services, Carrera said it would begin to address the existing “crisis within a crisis.” Read rest of this article on Marin IJ.

SAN RAFAEL, CA – MARCH 27: Network administrator Noel Matthias hands San Rafael senior Abigail Lacama a Chromebook at San Rafael high in San Rafael, Calif. on Friday, March 27, 2020.
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