Provided to youth and adult students
Dear Friends & Allies,
We are at a turning point. The pandemic called on us to respond quickly, act decisively, and think and operate in entirely new ways. Thanks to you – our generous donors, funders and partners – we had the resources to do just that.
In 2020, our work became exponentially more complex as the pandemic disproportionately impacted the Latino immigrant community. Immediately, we were boots-on-the ground, delivering emergency relief in the form of food and financial assistance, and assessing the changing nature of the crisis.
While the pandemic caught everyone off guard, Canal Alliance was able to respond from a place of strength, flexibility and resilience. Our mission is
clear, and our dedicated team was committed to adapting to ensure that our programs remain relevant to the needs of the community.
Having invested in cloud-based technology, we were able to pivot quickly to offer our core programs – in immigration, social services, education, and workforce
development – remotely.
We forged new partnerships to research the factors leading to the disproportionate burden of the pandemic on underserved communities while providing the Latino community in Marin with equitable access to health resources.
We partnered with health experts to launch pioneering new public health programs that trained Canal community members to serve as contact investigators, administer tests for Covid-19, and register Latino residents for the vaccine.
As a result, 98% of eligible Canal residents are now fully vaccinated.
While we adapted and launched new direct services to address the symptoms of poverty, we also grew our advocacy efforts. Through expanded partnerships with community members and local, state and national leaders, we doubled-down on our efforts to change the systems and structures that cause poverty in the first place.
We learned every step of the way, and what we learned will influence the way in which we provide services and how we conduct our advocacy efforts far into the future.
We are deeply grateful for your partnership and investment, which makes our work possible. While the Latino immigrant community is still struggling, and the barriers in employment, housing, education, and legal status are tremendously high, with your support we are heading in the direction of a more equitable and sustainable Marin County.
Thank you,

Bruce Olcott
President, Board of Directors

Omar Carrera
Chief Executive Officer
Connecting in a crisis

When the pandemic hit, 57% of families in the Canal had no computer at home and 39% lacked broadband internet access.
To support online learning and help families access information and resources, we helped bridge the digital divide and ensured that our services continued without interruption.
For Latino immigrant residents of the Canal neighborhood in San Rafael, which includes 2,000 school children, the lack of home computers and gaps in internet access exacerbated a longstanding digital divide, making it nearly impossible for students to access online learning and for families to access health information and resources during the pandemic.
To bridge gaps in access to devices and the internet, Canal Alliance collaborated on the cross-sector implementation of a mesh WiFi network and provided students in our youth and adult education programs with Chromebooks and hotspots. Students in our Adult ESL classes worked remotely with teachers. While they faced challenges including job loss, illness, connectivity, and overcrowded living conditions, many students found remote classes more convenient and accessible, and remained committed to learning English. Rates of attendance and persistence increased while students built not only their language skills, but also gained critical digital literacy skills.
As the only provider of comprehensive and free immigration legal services in Marin County, it was imperative that Canal Alliance shift to provide remote services to support existing clients and address emerging immigration issues. When the Biden Administration reopened DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) in January, our legal team launched an accessible online system to support new applications. Within one day, appointments were fully booked one month out.
Provided virtual immigration information, referrals, or legal representation
gained access to the internet via a mesh WiFi network
Responding to urgent needs

While Latinos comprise roughly 16% of Marin County’s population, they accounted for 74% of coronavirus infections in Summer 2020. We launched new public health and financial services to support Latino families who were devastated by high rates of infection and loss of jobs and wages.
The pandemic created a perfect storm for immigrant families living in poverty. Many Latino workers were among the first to lose their jobs, some faced the prospect of continuing to work in roles that exposed them and their families to the virus, while others had to quit working in order to stay home with their children. Loss of wages combined with the highest rates of Covid-19 infection among all demographic groups, overcrowded apartments that prevented safe social distancing, and little or no access to health care and the social safety net created a crisis that extended well beyond the Canal and threatened County-wide plans for reopening businesses and restarting the economy.
As a crisis that could no longer be ignored, Canal Alliance stepped up to prioritize new public health efforts. To reduce the spread of infection, fill gaps in service and provide health equity, we launched new initiatives, including bilingual and culturally-competent health outreach and education, and offered free Covid-19 testing. We hired and trained Canal residents to work as community-based contact investigators, provided case management for those in quarantine, and trained community leaders to register their neighbors for the vaccine and directly administer Covid-19 rapid tests. By Summer 2021, the Canal neighborhood, which one year earlier had the county’s highest positivity rate for the virus, reached 90% vaccination among eligible adults.
We supported emergency financial needs for workers and families, with strategies that evolved as the pandemic progressed. Staff across all programs became crisis case managers, and helped hundreds of people access unemployment insurance, rental assistance, small business loans, and stimulus support. For the many who didn’t qualify for public safety net support, we launched a new Financial Assistance Program to distribute emergency cash assistance. At the same time, our Behavioral Health team offered a lifeline of support for children and families facing unprecedented levels of stress and trauma.
with community members receiving Covid-19 resources
of licensed behavioral health support provided
distributed to 5,900 households
Ensuring a path to stability

Latinos represent Marin’s youngest and fastest growing demographic group, and have the highest labor participation rates, yet face many barriers to education and quality jobs. We doubled down on our commitment to providing youth and adult students with the education resources they need to achieve their long-term goals.
Canal Alliance’s primary strategy is to help Latinos access immigration legal services, education and workforce training, all of which offer proven pathways out of poverty for immigrants and their families. For residents of the Canal neighborhood, the once-in-century crisis compounded pre-existing systemic barriers to higher education, living wage jobs, career path professions and financial stability.
Even as we responded to the most urgent needs in the community, we remained committed to ensuring that youth and adult students in our programs were not interrupted from pursuing their long-term goals. When schools shifted to remote learning, staff helped students access online learning and connect with teachers remotely, while continuing to support their leadership development, social-emotional learning, and behavioral health needs. As a result, students continued on a path toward completing a four-year college degree.
Workforce students gained skills and jobs in construction and public health, and received support to apply for and disenroll from unemployment insurance benefits when they lost and regained their jobs. Latinx small business owners continued to learn business strategies and received support to apply for grants and loans, including 0% long-term loans through our Immigrant Entrepreneur Fund. Clients also had uninterrupted access to our free tax filing services.
returned to Latino taxpayers and sole proprietors
in wages after 2 years for construction graduates
Awarded to UP! college students
Building collective impact

Many Latino immigrants faced language barriers, lacked digital connectivity and had a fundamental distrust of the government agencies leading the pandemic response.
We extended our impact by engaging thousands of community members, partners and funders who stepped up as generous investors and allies.
Fostering Career Access and Success
The pandemic created fear, loss, and isolation for people worldwide. For many Latino immigrant households in the Canal, there was also overcrowding at home, disconnection from the larger community, and fear and mistrust of government agencies, which made it challenging to access accurate and timely health information.
Throughout the pandemic, Canal Alliance formed new and strengthened existing partnerships to meet the crisis. We partnered with Voces del Canal, a coalition of neighborhood leaders, to train and support people to deliver bilingual and culturally-appropriate public health information to their families and neighbors. We launched the Aliados por la Salud (Allies for Health) program to address the disproportionate burden of the virus on the community. We also partnered with UCSF on a research project funded by the National Institutes of Health to understand and address the factors that led to the disproportionate burden of the pandemic on the Latino immigrant community.
Our impact was made possible by the generosity of hundreds of community members, donors and funders who supported our efforts in amazing ways. Philanthropic partners made investments to alleviate suffering and support organizational and community sustainability. Donors contributed over $3 million in emergency funds, which were directly distributed to community members who had lost jobs and wages. Others hand-sewed thousands of masks, delivered food to seniors and community members in quarantine, distributed hand sanitizer and masks at our weekly food pantry, and conducted donation drives for school supplies, diapers and formula, and gift cards to local grocery stores.
trained to provide health resources as Community Health Workers
administered for Covid-19 by trained Canal leaders
contribute to our Client Support Fund
Advocating for equitable recovery

The pandemic exposed the depth of structural inequities, including an eviction crisis that threatened 2,800 low-income households with $32M in accumulated back rent by Summer 2021. We led cross-sector collaboration efforts and successfully advocated for policies to protect and support low-income communities and build a stronger Marin.
Disenfranchisement was exposed across the country – at the ballot box and through the Census – while the pandemic revealed the depth of structural inequities. In Marin, as in communities across the county, low-income Latino families faced unprecedented and disproportionate health, financial and educational impacts resulting from the pandemic.
To ensure that historically marginalized and hard-to-count populations were counted, Canal Alliance led the County’s Census outreach efforts. Despite the impacts of Covid-19, wildfires, and anti-immigrant actions at the federal level, census response rates increased by 4.2% countywide. Based on these new Census results, the Canal neighborhood was named the most segregated in the Bay Area which underscores the needs for our advocacy efforts.
Following the Census, our team supported the 2020 elections by registering voters, educating voters, and encouraging people to vote. Staff developed a Spanish-English voter guide and hosted Spanish and English virtual candidate forums on issues impacting the Latino immigrant community. The team piloted a poll observer program and a pop-up ballot drop box that can serve as a model for the county.
As our direct services expanded throughout the pandemic to address the symptoms of poverty, our advocacy efforts also deepened to address the root causes of poverty. Through new and expanded partnerships, we advocated for federal legislation to reverse the disproportionate burden of carbon pollution on communities of color, for smart transit planning that includes the needs of low-income riders, and for access to green spaces, which are so lacking for the community we serve.
With leadership from Canal Alliance, the Canal Policy Working Group (CPWG) was established as a cross-sector coalition of community leaders and public officials to address the financial impacts of the pandemic on low-income communities and support equitable pandemic recovery efforts. The group was successful in quickly implementing policies to protect tenants and is now focused on advocating for long-term solutions to affordable housing in Marin.
distributed to help families remain housed
in county-wide census response rate
contacted with election resources
Financial Statement
July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
Canal Alliance is pleased to recognize all donors who made leadership gifts in FY20 and FY21 to support our mission, programs and pandemic response efforts.
Maja Kristin Fund
Marin Community Foundation
Nancy H. and James Kelso Fund
Tipping Point Community
($100,000 – $249,999)
Cohen Family Fund
Cold Mountain Fund of RSF Social Finance
Ginnie and Peter Haas Jr. Fund
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Mark Pincus
Rosenberger Family Fund
The San Francisco Foundation
The Center at Sierra Health Foundation in partnership with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
Tides Foundation
United Way of the Bay Area
Juan and Lanya Zambrano
($50,000 – $99,999)
Anonymous x 2
Anonymous Fund of MCF
Bank of America
Catena Foundation
Margaret E. Haas
Kaiser Permanente Northern California Community Benefit Programs
Kelson Foundation
Loud Hound Foundation
Solli Ball Family Fund
Together Toward Health, a program of the Public Health Institute, through funding from a group of philanthropic organizations
The Education Trust West
Twin Oak Philanthropic Fund
William G. Irwin Charity Foundation
Zellerbach Family Foundation
($25,000 – $49,999)
Anonymous x 6
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation, a supporting Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
Bainum Family Foundation
Bella Vista Foundation
Bothin Foundation
Catherine Burke
Thomas A. Cohen and Kristi Denton Cohen
Crescent Porter Hale Foundation
Steven Fox
Kimball Foundation
Jan and Louise Leestma
Leestma Family Foundation / Little Flower Fund
Morris Stulsaft Foundation
Tambourine Fund
The Todd and Doris Ahlsten Foundation
Venables Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wobb Family Fund
($10,000 – $24,999)
Anonymous x 8
Bank of Marin
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
Butch Nachbar Fund
Amy Christensen and Drew Curby
Joshua Davis and Jessica Nenner
Dino J. Ghilotti Foundation
Dodge and Cox
Fullerton Family Foundation
George L. Shields Foundation
Susan and Dennis Gilardi
Girard Foundation
High Tide Foundation
Hilltop Group Charitable Foundation
Keep It Going Fund
Koogle Foundation
Richard H. Lawrence Jr and Dee M. Lawrence
M.S. Grumbacher Foundation
Marin County Sheriff’s Office
Clare McCamy and Harrison Miller
Mental Wellness Foundation, Inc.
Michael Metzner
Gloria Meyer
Milagro Foundation
Melissa Nelken and Ronald Lee
Newman’s Own Foundation
Allen and Lea Orwitz
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Psychoyos/Manis Family Trust
Redwood Credit Union
Resistance Labs
Bob and Paula Reynolds
Rjp True North
Saul Zaentz Charitable Foundation
Michael and Alison Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. R. Silcock
Stephen and Britt Thal Charitable Gift Fund
The Annette Nibley Fund at the East Bay
Community Foundation
The Brown Family Trust
The Carl Gellert and Celia Berta Gellert
The Daniels Family Fund
The EACH Foundation
The Funding Passion and Love Foundation
The James Irvine Foundation
The Keith Campbell Foundation for the
Environment Inc.
The Kenan Family Foundation
Betty Gaye Toney and John Potter
Rev. Margaret and Mr. Richard Trezevant
van Loben Sels/RembeRock Foundation
Village Fund
Wareham Development
Amanda Weitman
Wendy’s Wish Giving Fund
Zephyr Fund
($5,000 – $9,999)
Anonymous x 14
Anonymous Fund of MCF
Anderson/Zand Family Charitable Fund
Andrew and Susi Giacomini Fund
Roberto and Jennifer Balmaseda
Battaglia Family Charitable Fund
Morris and Carolyn Beazley
Betsy Gordon Foundation
Bill and Patty Blanton Fund
Steven Block
Allan and Sydne Bortel
Gina and Al Claxton
Congregation Rodef Sholom
Katherine Crecelius
David Becker and Ann Peckenpaugh Becker Philanthropic Fund
Debra Thal Charitable Fund
Stephanie DiMarco and James Harleen
Edna Wardlaw Charitable Trust
Leslie and James Eichenberger
Forward Fund
FThree Foundation
Candice Fuhrman and Gary Fiedel
Giving Marin
Deborah and Jonathan Goldman
Steve and Mary Gorski
Melissa Grimm
Hartman – O’Brien Charitable Fund
Christoph Hartmann
Heffernan Foundation
Hugh and Elizabeth Fullerton Full Circle Fund
Lawrence and Mary Ellen Hughes
Keenan Kelsey
King Cahill Family Fund
Joyce and Robert Kleiner
Nelson Lee and Lia Rudnick Lee
Marion Love
Jeffrey and Susanne Lyons
Marin League of Women Voters
Marmontor Foundation
Martin Foundation
Vera and Kenneth Meislin
Meritage Medical Network
Thomas and Sandra Ogden
Pabst Family Charitable Fund
Cindy Pickens
Karen Rosenquist and Matthew Kropp
Rotary Club of Marin Sunrise
Rotary Club of San Rafael
Sarti Family Charitable Fund
Zachary Scott
Christopher Senn and Inge Hendromartono
Andre and Lesley Shashaty
Sara Spero
Mary Ann Sprague-Denison
Starlings Fund at Tides Foundation
Jamie Stobie and Daniel Ben-Horin
Stricker Philanthropic Fund
The Arthur and Charlotte Zitrin Foundation
The Barron Family Charitable Giving Account
The Franklin Fund
The Fred Gellert Family Foundation
The G.S. Leona Lauder Foundation
The Kirsner Family Charitable Fund
The Kjellson Family Fund
The Lindsey Family Fund
The Max and Anna Levinson Foundation
Thomas Theodores
Tiburon Sunset Rotary Club
Elizabeth Ury
Diane Wagner
Wardell-Smith Raabe Family Fund
William and Christney McGlashan Fund
Winifred and Harry B. Allen Foundation
($2,500 – $4,999)
Anonymous x 8
Courtney Benham
Nick and Joan Boodrookas
Andrew and Kate Brooks
Sherene and Wilson Chen
Rebecca Cherin Lilien
David and Claudia Chittenden
Compass/Pacific Union Marin Community Fund
June Cooperman and Lawrence Litvak
Judith P Coy
Gatian Cunningham
Dominican Sisters of San Rafael
Keith Dricken
Charles and Nel Ellwein
Louise and Timothy Erdman
Diane and Dan Farthing
Saskia Feast and Axel Brait
Eileen and Andrew Fisher
Frank and Barbro Greene Charitable Fund
Fresh Sound Foundation
Ga le Mondry and Bruce Cohen
Philanthropic Fund
Jennifer Ghidinelli
Paula and Jim Gorder
Ron and Christine Grossi
Alan Grumet and Sonia Lee Charitable Fund
Carole and Gerald Gunn
Sid Hartman and Miguel Ruelas
Peter Heinemann and Dana Kueffner
Hershey Baer Fund
Hooper, Lundy and Bookman, PC
Hubert-Bly Family Fund for Marin
Doris Hunker
JSA International U.S. Holdings, LLC
Kathy Kane
Margaret Keon
Michael and Marna Kramer
Clare Krebsbach and Thomas Barber
Duff Kurland and Carol Nusinow Kurland
Martha Ann Langston
Francesca Lauria
Myra K. Levenson
Alton Lo
M. Sheila Merritt and Robert D. Mass
Family Fund
Ken Macher
Marin Airporter
Marin County Bicycle Coalition
Alexis McKeown
Moeller Foundation, Inc.
Michael and Elizabeth Mooney
Nightingale Fund
Gail Noah and Kenneth Witte
Diane Ongaro
Maria Pelletier
Peter and Suzannah Scully Fund
Barry Phegan
Peter Pike
Bob Pinder
Purple Lady/Barbara J. Meislin Fund
Restaino / Becker Family Fund
Sandy Rolleri
Rotary Club of Tiburon Sunset Foundation
Jessie Rountree and Stephen McDaniel
Stewart and Jane Rowe
San Rafael Yacht Harbor
Werner and Wilma Schneider
Seagate Properties, Inc.
Jane Sherman
Silva Watson Moonwalk Fund
SKSK Morris Family Fund
Vera Sparre and Scott Richards
David and Jacquie Spielberg
Bruce Stein
Virginia Strickland
Sven and Cheryl Pole Fund
Lisa Tabb
The Bindon Foundation
The Expenditure Fund of The Mill Valley Rotary
Service Fund
The Geisse Pile Charitable Fund
The Hartman Family Foundation
The Hutson-Wiley Echevarria Foundation Inc.
The Kim Weiss Family Fund
The Lopez Charitable Giving Fund
The O’Neill Family Fund
The Outdoor Art Club
The Solomon’s Choice Charitable Fund
Toyota Marin, a CRB Auto CEO Circle Dealer
VWLackey and DonS Fund
Walmart Foundation
Suzanne and David Warner
We stminster Presbyterian Church of
Richardson Bay
William and Candy Mitchell
Shelley Windsor
Scoby Zook and Kris Brown
($1,000- $2,499)
Anonymous x 40
Matthew Adams
Richard Adams
John Adler and Mary Margaret McClure
Linda Aldrich
Ana Amaya
Cassandra Anderson
Andrew and Susan Marrinson Fund
Carolyn Anzia
Bank of San Francisco
Lauren M. Bartone
Matt Bearson
Sara Beckman and Charles Gow
Jeffrey and Mabel Bialik
Bianucci-Reilly Family Fund
Eric S Bindelglass and Gabrielle Tierney
Bryan Birch
Blommer Legacy Fund
Kathleen and Barry Blue
Patti Breitman
Ryan Bricker
Amy Buckner
Margaret Burke
Caroline and James Burroughs
Jennifer Cai
Hector and Ashley Calderon
Lynn Callender
Gary Carlston
Omar and Erin Carrera
Mario Castaneda
Charles Schwab Corporation
Madhuri Chattopadhyay
Edward Chen and Janet Lee
John Taylor Chittick
Christ Presbyterian Church in Terra Linda
Church of The Redeemer
Susan Clark and Philip Sisson
Gertrude Coker
Jim and Holly Cole
Dayton Coles
Thomas Colgan
Comann Charitable Fund
Drs. David L. and Rebecca E. Conant
Nora Contini and John Franklin
Brook Cosby
Laura Cox and Jay Cohen
Dade-Whyte Fund
Abigail Danielson
Sara and Joseph Danielson
David R. Stern Fund of the Common
Counsel Foundation
Delta Dental
Denison Family Foundation
Mark and Catherine Devereaux
Casey Dexter-Lee
Donald O. and Ronald R. Collins Fund
Laurie and Scott Dubin
Alice Ducayet
Marsha Dugan
Carl Duisberg and Laura Lindskog
Elizabeth and Frank Odell Family Fund
Elkin Family Fund
Emily MacMillin Charitable Fund
EO Products
Wendy Evje
Fadin Giving Fund
Carlos Felix Fretes, M.D.
Nancy Fellom
Roy Fidler
Paul Finkle and Susan DeVinny
First Congregational Church of San Rafael
First Federal Savings and Loan Association of
San Rafael
First Presbyterian Church of San Anselmo
First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael
Joe and Jackie Floyd
Dean and Sandra Foose
Ann C. Forsham
Rebecca Foust
Richard Frankel and Martha Conway
Alan Front
Kim Gaddy
Gayle Donsky and Morton Stein
Philanthropic Fund
Daniel Gelbaum and Terri Moreno Gelbaum
Genentech, Inc
Gerard Buulong and Fred Silverman Fund for Marin
Gabriel Gesmer
Jamie Ginsberg
Girazian Family Fund
Sarah and Dirk Godsey
Piper Goeking and Tia Miyamoto
Lorraine Goldin and Jonathan Marshall
Bill and Susan Goldsborough
Gonwest Video Production
David Goodman, MD
Joan and Kenneth Gosliner
Michael Gothelf and Laurel Littman Gothelf
Angela Grady
Jeffrey Graham
Laurie Gregg
Christian Gronbeck
Colleen and Robert D. Haas
Arno Harris and Nadine Burke Harris
Hart-Holt Family Foundation
Kjerstin Hatch
Terry Helbush
Ted Hellman
Christopher and Linda Henn
Calesta Hergert
Herzer Donor-Advised Fund
Kim High
Evan Hirsch
Nielma Hock
Hock Investment LLC
Lauren Hoernlein
Andrew and Katey Hoffman
Sally Holland
John and Arline Howard
Ellen Hufbauer and Jack Resneck, Jr.
Grace A. Hughes
Hute Family Charitable Fund
IBM Employee Services
Yumiko Igarashi
Linda Jackson and Jim Stone
Michael A. Jacobs and Ellen L. Fuerst
Nancy and Mark Jacobs
Jishi Family Fund
Dennis and Pamela Joyce
Jonathan Kadis, Sharon Kovalsky, Liana Kadis
Aaron Kahn
David Kallmeyer
Linda and Jim Kasper
Patricia Keaney
Sean Kelsey
Michael Kilgroe and Patricia Burbank
Bruce Kirsten
Andrew Kives and Joyce Abrams
Alicia and Tom Klein
Thomas Klein
Matthew Koch
Carol Korenbrot
Jefferson Krause
Irwin D Kuntz, Jr and Jill M Ross-Kuntz
Neal Kuvara
Lanciault Giving Fund
Matthew W Langley
Dell Larcen
Joan and Martin Lasden
Valerie Layne
Gaetan Le Brun
Bob and Judith Leedy
Lin Kross Charitable Fund
Rory and Jan Little
Elaine Livengood
Lisa Long
Mary Lucas
Joan Lunneborg
Maureen Maguire
Sheryl Manis
Ryan Manka-White
Marin Charitable
Marin Covenant Church
Marin Museum of Contemporary Art
Marin Sanitary Service
Mark Day School (8th Grade)
Carole Marks
Mars Family Charitable Foundation
Emily and Peter Martin
Sandra Massen
Maya and Peter Chun Memorial Fund
Christina McArthur and Richard Rubenstein
Maria Elena McCarthy
Diana Mcclure
Aramie McDonald
Martha McNear
Lauren Menchavez
Stephanie Mendel
Robert and Diane Menist
Doreen Miao
Craig and Holly Middleton
Margaret Milton and Gordon Schaeffer
Caroline and Robert Miros
Lars Monroe
Montecito Market Place Associates
Blanche Morioka
Kevin Morrison
Mt. Tamalpais United Methodist Church
Jahnavi Muppirala
Muscat Giving Fund
Barbara Nathan
Teo Nissen
Carter and Carol Njus
Frank and Lois Noonan
Norm Levin, Natural Portraits & Events
Minette Norman and Tom Borromeo
Becky Norquist
Jan O’Brien
Paula O’Connell
Laura and Bruce Olcott
Patricia and John O’Neil
Christine and Edward O’Neill
Caren Orum
Diane Parish and Paul Gelburd
Jane Parton
Fred and Amy Paulenich
Dana Pepp
Mara Perez and Michael Bilton
Kenneth Perlmutter
Peter and Kelly Moritzburke Trust
Laurie Phuong Ertley and Brian Ertley
Daniel Pinto
Stephanie and Christopher Plante
Debbie Polhemus
Pamela Polite Fisco and Dennis Fisco
Billie Post
Orlee Rabin
Catherine Ramberg
Claudia Reimer
Bradon Rice
Marshall and Anne Richman
Joyce and Gary Rifkind
Karen Robbins
Robert K and Barbara Straus Family Foundation
Jane and Phillip Rollins
Yolanda Roose
Robert and Susan Rosenberg
Barbara Rothkrug
Marywynn Ryan
William and Stephanie Ryder
Sachleben Sullivan Family Fund
Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundation
Samuel and Irene Saligman Charitable Trust
Margaret Schadt
Jennifer Schimmel
Nancy Schlegel
Erik Schten
Dale Schultz and Lynn Vear
Mark Sheft
Shelagh Smith Giving Fund
Jack and Judy Sherman
Rick Sheviakov and Carole Sheviakov
Richard and Diana Shore
Elizabeth Shortino and Peter Eisenberg
Philip Sills
Roberta Silverstein and Stephen Sperber
Chris Skinnell
Barbara and Larry Smilie
Joan Smith
Ken Smith and Lucia Christopher
Cheryl Sorokin
Ricardo Soto
Spitz Family Fund
Howard and Pamela Squires
Domenic Stansberry
Charles and Jean Stewart
Benjamin Stock and Emily Beth Longfellow
Stolyavitch Fund
Linda Stoneall
Kimbel Stuart
Rachel Tallant
Richard Tarrant and Linda Billinger
Taubert Memorial Foundation
Tereza Costa Monteiro Fund
The Colin Family Charitable Fund
The Colwell Family Fund
The David & Colleen Horowitz Charitable Fund
The David Barker and Maggie Mason Fund
The Gretchen Frantz Charitable Fund
The Kirby Klein Family Fund
The Kloepping Connors Giving Fund
The Kulapono Family Fund
The Leh Family Trust
The Morton Fund
The Nancy Heydemann Fund
The Nuer Foundation
The Pete Kim Charitable Fund
The Peter G. and Kristin V. Gordon
Charitable Fund
The Richard and Alice Shelton Charitable Fund
The Simon-Strauss Foundation
The Slevin Family Giving Fund
The Ticknor Foundation, Inc.
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
The Uplands Family Foundation
Eric Thoman
David Thompson and Maureen Broderick
Jane and William Thornton
Mary Tierney
Toby E. and Robert Rubin Family
Philanthropic Fund
Bruce Todd
Wendy Todd and Jason Watkins
Thomas and Ancella Toldrian
Gregg Tolliver and Aida Calvillo
Jennifer Tomkins
Elaine Tope
Leslie Van Dyke
Michael Verheecke
Piush Vidyarthi
Virginia Fifield Fund
Barbara Ward
William Wardlaw and Julia Parker
Warren and Amy Weber Trust
William Weinberg
Cynthia Weingard
WEST Environmental Services and
Technology Inc.
Noah Wheeler
Malcolm Kenneth Whyte III and J Mc-
Genevieve Wiersema
Marika Páez Wiesen and Eric Wiesen
David Williams
Adam Willner
Susan Wolf
William Mitchel and Amy Worth
Jeffrey Wright
Annie Yoo and Edward Su
Pauline Zand
Linda Zeichner
Annual Report Design by Ziller Design / Development by Mission Minded